Cryo treated wires?

What difference does it make? Has anyone compared the before and after result?
Tireguy; thanks for posting the Jena Labs info.-- an interesting read.

Rainchild; While I have not done a direct before and after test of the same cryo wire vs non-cryo, you may be interested that I just replaced an old 6 awg wire (from main to sub-main in my dedicated AC system) with a 60 ft. cryo treated 10 awg wire from Virtual Dynamics. I also bought and installed their cryo treated 30 amp breaker in the main breaker panel. The improvements in sound quality, while not dramatic, were very worth while.

Prior to the change, my systems AC was slightly bright and I could only tame the brightness with high quality power cords-- but noise floor was very low. The new VD cryo treated wire and breaker presents music with a greater sense of ease, naturalness, and more "liveness".

The VD on-line literature says the cryo treated products allow one to see "deeper into the music". That didn't mean much to me until I actually heard it for myself, and then I said "yeah that's exactly what happens. Specifically, I would say both micro and macro-dynamics are improved but in a very natural way. Why this works I don't know.

In phase 2 of my dedicated AC upgrade program, I plan to replace the 4 standard 20 amp breakers in my sub-main with VD cryo'ed breakers, replace all 5 of my Hubbell outlets with 5 cryo'ed Hubbells, and finally replace the present 12 awg THHN wires with the VD 10/4 awg cryo'ed wires.

I'm now completely convinced that the cryo'ed stuff works and has a nicely positive affect on music quality and character. Good Luck, and Cheers. Craig
Craig - why do you attribute (part) the sonic difference between old 6awg and 10 awg wire from Virtual Dynamics to cryogeneics? "The VD on-line literature says the cryo treated products allow one to see "deeper into the music". I think VD just reaped benefits of marketing, using an ambiguous statement.

I would be surprised if cryo did nothing, but I question the opportunity of cost of cryoing a $40 PC. I would avoid finding answers from VD an Jena. All they did was tap in to the cold rush, and neither site explains anything.

If you can find it, buried in AA archives is at least one person(a manufacturer I think) comparing cryo and non cryo using the same cable. He could not find a real differece, but I have forgotten the system he tried them on, if it was mentioned.