D'Agastino Momentum vs Dartzeel NHB108

Looking at these two amps and wondering how they compare.  Does the Dart 108 still perform against modern amps such as the Momentum?  Now that the Momentum has been out for a while what are people saying about its performance?


Showing 2 responses by georgehifi

Two very different amps, even though both are solid state. The Dartzeel can't push current like the D'Ago can. The better sound may depend on what speaker are going to be used.

Dartzeel:   Measured 160W into 8 ohms  230W into 4 ohms  but 162W into 2 ohms. This shows weakness of current delivery into 2ohms not even reaching the 4ohm wattage 
D'Ago:  Momentum comfortably exceeded that rating, clipping at 405W into 8 ohms 640W into 4 ohms while into 2 ohms  the amplifier puts out 1115W
This shows great current delivery into 2ohms almost doubling the 4ohm wattage.

So for speakers like Wilsons, bigger B&W 8** series ect you'd go for the D'Ago.

Cheers George
jwm841 posts05-13-2017 9:21pmGeorge I would put the Rockport’s along with your Wilson and B & W speakers.

Depends which model and if it had a test/s done so we can see the impedance vs -phase angle graph then I could answer that for you.

This old model " Antares" had a 3ohm load at 200hz and 4-5khz which isn’t bad seeing there is no nasty -phase angle at those frequencies as well. So both amps should work well with these speakers, the Ago having slightly the better drive/punch though at 200hz.

The Ago will definitely sound better at 20hz with pipe organ. because at 20hz there is 4ohm and -50 degrees which is a current sucker from an amp.
Also Sprach Zarathustra (2001 Space Odyssey) has a 20hz organ at the begining.

Cheers George