DAC around 1.000 Euro for streaming environment

I considering replacing my DAC which is a Musical Fidelity V-Dac 90.

What would be a good solution in the 1.000 - 1.500 Euro range (1.500 - 2.000 $)? 

I am only streaming and I use Tidal. 

My streamer is Innous Mini and I am using Roon. 

My Amp is Musical Fidelity Dual Mono A3.

Speakers are Buchardt S300. 

Thanks in advance.


Showing 3 responses by mtraesbo

Thanks ejr1853 and kalali. I will look at the Brooklyn. I also have taken the Chord Qutest high on my list. 

Thanks, Craigl59,

Interesting. I can see that it is reviewed very well. I can get it Denmark. I see that it is also a pre-amp. I have an integrated amplifier now. Do you know, if that just would work together?

Thanks @davide256 
@dbq5anlxj , I have not done anything yet, but my intend is to buy the Chord Qutest. I seems to be the good fit, a good product and has Roon, etc, etc.