Damping to exitation of parasitic modes of

What is the best material to use as a substrate for making Isolation plinths/platforms, for damping the excitation of parasitic modes of vibration as well as HF resonance? That looks cosmetically appealing as well?
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jollygreenaudiophile2 OP
I Have never heard anything negative about Shun Mook, so there "should" be something to it. At least I hope so if he's getting my ducky!

I hate to be so judgemental but if you've never heard anything negative about Shun Mook you probably haven't been paying attention. 😀
there are various engineering spec.s for this based on the setup - reputable manf.s should be able to provide them
Ha ha ha, I mean't negative in the context of ; " That cannot, will not work nor have any realized effect at all because it's not in the book and teacher has not mentioned it."
    Old saying; Those whom cannot do, teach.
@jollygreenaudiophile2   Based on your quote above, we're thankful you did not pursue the teaching profession!