DartZeel compared to Pass Labs XA-160/200's

Has anyone had the pleasure of auditioning both the DartZeel amp and Pass Labs XA-160 or 200 monoblocks? They all retail for around $20000.00 and are true reference pieces. If so, what did you hear concerning the sonic signatures in the different amps and what other gear were they being used with. I'm very interested because I will being to try to set up home auditions of both amps in the near future and both have gotten raves and are supposed to be the most "tube-like" SS amps there are, offering both "warm/sweetness" of tubes and at same time have the slam/extension/clarity of SS. Thanks in advance if anyone has this information based on their own listening experience.

Showing 1 response by downunder

Branimar, only 300 hours on the dartzeel. really if it does not sound competent at 300 hours it will never souud good. But you all ready know that right:)

ps I'll give everyone a secret tip, consance cyber 800. 78 watts of pure tube heaven.

do you think this will drive Amati Anniversario. Is it really that much easier to drive to get effortless music from them.? ie compared to Vienna Mahler?