dcs debussy

some news?
there are some pictures from vegas.. but no info's on the homepage.
I am wondering about 24/192 compatibility and usb input..
Best / most complete description of Debussy I have found appears on the site of what may be Polish distributor for DCS:
On other sites I have seen a US manufacturer suggest price of $10,000. Looks like a very intriguing device. G.
I see that dCS is still rather annoying and inconvenient at best as far as using it with computer server.
To be able to play everything from 16/44 up to 24/192, you would still need to sets of input from computer, USB for anything upto 24/96 and dual XLR for anything above (via Lynx card or Weiss firewire-AES/EBU or something similar. If I read the polish site accurately. Too bad they get rid off iLink/firewire port otherwise, with proper driver, they would only require one firewire connection from computer to DAC for everything. I also wish that they would support sigle XLR for 24/192, that would make connection so much simpler :(
DAC to computer connection is still in its infancy. . . yet, it may be worth while holding off on assessing this device's capabilities until it has made its way into the US and someone has had the opportunity of talking to the importer. . . or seeing it at a show. . . trying it at home. . . or reading a full review. G.