Decware silver interconnects: anybody heard them?

Decware makes some highly unusual interconnects using braided silver ribbon around a bees-wax (!) core. Any body heard them?
The Decware silver interconnects are ~$200. The question is, How does they compare to other ~$200 silver ics in terms of specific parameters and overall balance? A vote of confidence is virtually meaningless without significant comparisons. I'm asking a specific question here, not debating system building philosophies.
Moreover, great neutrality tends to correlate with great cost.

No it doesn't.
It's the popular "wisdom," though I'm learning differently. In The Cable Wars, the boutique designer seems to be winning.
One thing I'm learning is that the elaborate geometries that drive up the cost may not be necessary. Another thing is that the physics of signal transmission is far from thoroughly understood.
It's the popular "wisdom," though I'm learning differently. In The Cable Wars, the boutique designer seems to be winning.

Of course, there is no free lunch.....sadly so.