Decware silver interconnects: anybody heard them?

Decware makes some highly unusual interconnects using braided silver ribbon around a bees-wax (!) core. Any body heard them?
As Steve Deckert himself says owning these cables I would agree, these are stupidly good without being stupidly expensive!

They are very neutral in my opinion, which is what I look for in cables. After years of experimenting I no longer look at a cables as a tone control. I just want them to pass the signal with as little alteration as possible. The Decware cable fits the bill.
I agree that the sonic ideal of a component should be absolute neutrality, but lets face it, too much good music is poorly recorded, music that a smidgeon of euphonia would make listenable, if not enjoyable. A dollop, soupcon or pinch, mind you. The easiest way to achieve that is with a cable swap or a tube change. Moreover, great neutrality tends to correlate with great cost.
The Decware silver interconnects are ~$200. The question is, How does they compare to other ~$200 silver ics in terms of specific parameters and overall balance? A vote of confidence is virtually meaningless without significant comparisons. I'm asking a specific question here, not debating system building philosophies.
Moreover, great neutrality tends to correlate with great cost.

No it doesn't.
It's the popular "wisdom," though I'm learning differently. In The Cable Wars, the boutique designer seems to be winning.