Dedicated line questions

Hi, i was wondering what 1 has to do to put a dedicated line in there listening room, can someone write up a checklist of all the things i would need to buy to do this? 2- can i do this myself, or do u need an electrican 3- do u know where i can buy some bulk power chord? MANY thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out here. regards Newbie

Showing 2 responses by mikeraslo

Guys, thanks for all the responses, i would be lying if i didn't admit that much of what u guys are talking about is going way way over my head. this is my thing. the breaker board or whatever u call it for my house just happens to be in my listening room, can i just not buy a 20 amp fuse, put it in one of the empty slots, run power chord from it to my hospital grade hubbles, and voila, dedicated power line?????