dedicated power line for audio equipment

I am in the process of building a new house. I was wondering if any of you have installed a dedicated powerline for your audio equipment. If you have, what type of line is it? would it need to be a 30amp line? Thanks in advance...

Recently did a garage to listening room conversion installed 2 ea 220V dedicated lines, one on the amp wall and one on the front end wall. 6 each dedicated 117V lines (20A) 2 on the amp wall and 4 on the front end wall.

If your building a house consider running a 60 Amp, or larger, sub panel to your Listening room then run as many lines as you see fit from there. ( I did it the other way around - installed a sub panel to feed most of the rest of the house, then ran all the dedicated lines form the main panel). If you go this route you could consider installing a isolation transformer to feed the sub panel.

Csontos - theres no real danger to running 30A line but the connectors/outlets you'd be required to use upholding code would not be practical.

Good listening

I have total of 6 dedicated lines. 2 are at 30A, 4are at 20A. All are wired using 10gauge romex. Very happy with the result. I recommend using ps audio soloist or something similar. You will not regret this upgrade. Good luck.
We are building a new home and I was definitely going with dedicated 20 amp connections, but hadn't thought about using the 10/2 Romex. Thanks Andy for the thread and everyone who has commented!
Dont use anything less than 10/2 romex,cerrowire.Bryonc's, nice stuff($).I dont know that theres any differance between 10/2 romex or cerrowire.The 10/2 provides the current though.