
Responses from csontos

Speaker vibration control device
No spikes, you don't want them stabbing themselves. Perhaps soft foam on the corners of the speakers with bungie chords. Can't be too safe. 
Speaker vibration control device
mewsickbuff, to be clear, when you say "vibration control", you're referring to what transfers to the floor, correct? Clay ceramic pads under the speakers will virtually eliminate anything to the floor. 2" thick patio stones cut to size with a rub... 
High end Dual
I love you Elizabeth :) 
High end Dual
You can argue the point but I know what I bought. Sooner or later it will appear. 
High end Dual
I bought it at a high end shop in London, ON., Canada in around 1987. I don't remember the name of the shop. 
High end Dual
No mistake.  
High end Dual
I was just curious if anyone had an opinion on it. Seems Dual is too embarrassed to list it. 
High end Dual
No, you have not read my post. Try again. 1978 
High end Dual
Not an Oracle. Definitely Dual. I bought one of the 2 first Oracle tables in '78. The name tag read 'Alexandria', later to be renamed the Delphi by virtue of 2nd gen with some small novel changes. I replaced that Dual with an Oracle Paris, also co... 
High end Dual
Not there. 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
Hey Roger. What are your thoughts on designing a ss amp to drive ESLs directly? I'm currently listening to Acoustat Monitor 3 with direct drive servo charge OTL monos. It seems the ultimate comparison between ss and tubes would be a shootout with ... 
Speaker vibration isolation
Clay ceramic is the key to blocking those lower frequencies 
Speaker vibration isolation
Nothing beats clay ceramic patio stones with 1'' thick fiber pads made for floor polishers available at the Depot for a few bucks more, topped off with a 1/4" rubber mat. A 17X12 fiber scratch pad will take a lot of weight. 
Ime, the playback system has a large influence on the contrast. The better the system, the smaller the contrast. Through my Acoustat Monitor 3 and DD servo charge amps, Oppo 205, it's more of a difference rather than a contrast.I'm not a Ginger Ba... 
Any new tweaks out there?
I replaced the short 4" 12awg leads to the 2 main caps in an Ampzilla. Bottom end was faster with more impact. Those big caps need a hi way. Hence the large thick buss bars you usually see them hooked up with.