Denon DL 103 modifications and re-body questions thread

Dear all

I bought a DL103r to see what the fuss is all about, and found it fairly pleasant. Many people go on about re-bodying the cartridge so I took the plunge and bought an aluminium body.

I have noticed a few threads that are a bit disparate on these questions - the first question on my list being what I needed answered, but it would be helpful if thoughts can be posted on the other questions from those with the know how.

1. Should I glue the cartridge into the new body
2. What glue should I use
3. What are the characteristics of the various materials
4. Should I re-tip
5. What sort of new tip
6. who should I get to re-tip
7. Best arm matches
8. best tracking weight


Showing 1 response by teo_audio