Dick's / Dave's picks

Anyone else into this series of Grateful Dead recordings?
If so, please list your fave (s) or collection.

Showing 6 responses by jayrossi13

I just got around to listening to DP 27, I would agree that it's not very good. But, in all fairness, I'm I don't really like many of the 80s shows.

I am looking forward to the Pacific Northwest box set, though.
My copy is arriving tomorrow as well.

I have MP3 versions of these shows, some of which are audience recordings (which don't sound great). I’m looking forward to better sound quality from the box set.
I think these are great shows, but there's something about the vocal mix that's a bit off. 

I have a soundboard recording of the  5/19/74 show and I definitely like that version better than the new Pacific North West mix. This is most evident on Black Throated Wind and Weather Report Suite. 

Maybe it's just me, but Bob sounds more distant on the new mix. 


You’ve stated--more eloquently--what I was trying to get at.

For pure energy and enjoyment, I'd take the original recordings over the new remixes. 

Before the Dead put an end t it, I downloaded hundreds and hundreds of soundboard shows from archive.org.

Sadly, I didn’t have enough storage space and got rid of the original lossless files and now only have the shows in MP3 format. Still better than nothing and the shows sound good on portable audio devices and in the car.

I agree you guys on DP 28; it's one of the better sounding shows the band has released in a while. 
@jafant  Mostly 6/17/76 with two tracks from later in the month. 

I like the laid back groove of the 76' shows and the sound quality is excellent. 

I believe 76' is also the only year the Grateful Dead played Mission In the Rain.