Digital as good or better than YOUR analog?

Just curious how many here believe they have surpassed the performance of their analog sources; aliveness, ease, depth, grainlessness, delicacy, scale etc. with their redbook cd playback. I'm closer than ever. I call my digital playback, power analogue, and with the latest technology for less and less money I would love to hear how others are percieving the measures of; palpability(music breathes with naturalness), seductiveness, shadings of recording room que's, vibrancy, etc. with their standard CD digital playback. Thanks

(I know that "breast-thing" has us all upset but there is medication. It helped me.)

I think your hidden message has something to do with the... "CIA has seen Osama walking in London and Tokyo but could only be 1/2 to 1/4 % sure. Let's bomb both places just to be safe." And I guess the "Yeehaa" is our president agreeing to it.

Am I on the right track, Kimosabe?
Vvrinc: I think "Yeehaa!" was Howie ('I just latered my candidacy') Dean, not Shrub... :-)

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(Macintosh keyboard)