Digital Microscope advice SRA

I have my digital microscope (DM) installed on my laptop. I want to use it to aid me in my stylus rake angle SRA.Has anybody tried this before? I'm looking for any helpful ideas or aids from someone who has gone through this before.I understand that the TT platter should be taped or otherwise kept from moving. I'm thinking that some sort of white background to have as a contrast. I intend on using an old Album of no use as a platform to make sure of the correct height with the stylus resting on it.
I've already figured out how to get the angle degrees with the software. So am I forgetting anything?Just using it to inspect how clean it is. Is a P.I.T.Arse.  Any little movement and where did the stylus go? I have to readjust everything again.
BTW, I'm using FLUX hi fi stylus cleaner Which works beautifully I might add, 10 seconds and wow. spotless.

Showing 1 response by jperry

I bought a digital microscope and tried this.

Far more trouble than it is worth. Better to start with the headshell parallel to the record and adjust by ear from there.

If you want to do this you will be able to see and get better focus resting the stylus on a CD instead of a record.