Digital output from Oppo 103 CDP?

I need some help here.  I have an Oppo 103 and an Ayre QB-9, the first version of it with only a USB input.  The QB-9 DAC is excellent for streaming Tidal Hifi from my iMac to my system, but it only accepts a USB input.  I am unclear on what digital output I have from the Oppo CDP to a DAC, but it clearly isn't a USB output.  I am thinking about an upgrade to the Ayre Codex.   Can I output a digital stream from the Oppo into the Ayre Codex and if so, what is the preferred connectivity?  Thanks for any input you can offer. 

Showing 1 response by nycjlee

I have the OPPO BDT-101CI and it works fine via toslink optical to the Ayre Codex. Great DAC by the way. Note, SACD is only supported via HDMI or analog out.