Digital streaming options for my system are confusing

I appreciate your advise in advance as I am more of a old school vinyl/cd guy. I have a McIntosh MAC6700 integrated receiver. It has a DAC but tech in this area is evolving at such a rapid rate that I am confused as the best way to access a high audio quality streaming/digital playback source. I have heard hi end streaming services (Tidal?) are great but my Amp does not have a direct iPhone/iPad connector. What is the best way to go that will keep my system simple and easy for the whole family to access? 

Showing 3 responses by gdnrbob

+3 for Bluesound, and you can use an external DAC with the Node.
Also nice is you can sync multiple systems in your house.
As a small business owner, I can safely say that what you are asking for isn't financially feasible. As I posted before, our current society is definitely lacking a moral compass and will often resort to the courts to justify whatever behaviour the feel they are entitled to. 
Why would a small business owner open themselves up to this potential aggravation?
And, why should the vendor shoulder this expense?
The big box retailers have volume, and a large bank account backed by a slew of lawyers. 
The vast majority of high end manufacturers might qualify as 'medium' business owners, not large, and do not have the financial reserves to offer such terms.
There are quite a few stereo manufacturers who give trial periods for their merchandise. Unfortunately, Bluesound isn't one of them.
And offering demo gear would not be a way to go, given the current moral state of our society.