Dings on B&W 802 tweeters

Do anyone know if dings are harmful to the tweeter of a B&W 802 speaker, if the sound is not affected? If so can it be repaired?
Any 'dings' are harmful to any exotic audio equipment. If they sound okay then it is 'okay'. Regarding repairing the damage is another story on its own. Did you try to contact B&W UK about this?

Kind regards,
Dewald Visser
For what it's worth, I have B&W CDM 7 NTs -- plainly a different speaker with a different tweeter from the 802s, but somewhat similar design from the same manufacturer. I inadvertently damaged the tweeter on one speaker -- a substantial ding, with a pushed-in mesh covering. As far as I could tell, there was no difference in the sound. But I disliked how it looked, and had it repaired i.e., the damaged parts replaced with new ones -- for a reasonable sum by a local dealer. No doubt you could have the 802 repaired as well.
A few years ago, I purchased a pair of used M803's that had the tweeter pushed in during shipping. I was able to purchse a new tweeter (the guts) for around $120 from a dealer. Very easy to replace, especially since B&W did not solder their wires but instead used push on connectors, at least on the M803 tweeter. Regarding repair, do a search on this forum and audioasylum as this has been posted many times. In brief, you can try various things to make the dent go away, but will probably never fully "repair" the tweeter to like new condition. OTOH, you may never actually hear the difference. Play some tunes with clear high frequencies on mono and compare between the "damaged" speaker and the "undamaged" one, to see if a repair or replacement is needed.
You can try to pull it out with tape.
If the dome actually is touching the underlying surface, I would replace it if it cannot be pulled out with a bit if tape.
Lmk47, Sorry if this sounds shakey, but honestly I cannot remember exactly what I did. It has been about 5 years since I sold those M803SII speakers (and I have regretted selling them more than a few times). Anyway, it would be hard for me to explain without a pair in front of me. I believe I had a little coaching from the dealer who sold me the replacement tweeter, then I sort of went at it gently until I got the old one out and put the new one back in the same way. My best recollection is that you take the front screen part off, then the guts can be popped out from the front of the cylindrical chamber. The wires are connected with some type of snap on quick connect. I suspect whoever you purchase a tweeter replacement from would assist you, but I know dealers and manufacturers from large companies can be funny about people who DIY repairs. Try you local dealer first to see if he can kindly help you. Then, if he doesn't help, post on this forum since I am sure there are several folks here who can actually help, and not guess like I am doing. Good luck.
The tweeter apparatus on my N805 just plugs in, no soldering.
Are the 802s the same?
Buy a replacement and you will see what is needed to install.
I just replaced the Nautilus Tweeter on an 803. I ordered the Tweeter from B&W USA, it was $98-delivered. It's very easy to replace. Just turn the front part of the Tweeter Housing counter-clockwise (it's treaded) and it will come loose, then gently pull it forward and disconnect (unplug) the red (1) & black (1) wires. I was surprised at how inexpensive and easy it was to replace. The cone on my Tweeter was also pushed-in, by a curious child, of course.