DIY acoustic panels?

I took a look at and thought the sound absorption panels were actually pretty good and reasonably priced, but I am interested in making my own to better match my room.

Does anyone know what type of cloth is good for sound absorption, hopefully something that is readily available at fabric stores?
I recently moved into a flat which is near to the train tracks, but it is a far enough distance for installing acoustic panels to be effective. Installing the panels had given me a peace of mind and I can rest in the day. My favourite panel is the timber acoustic panels, they are aesthetically pleasing, easy to setup and most importantly, blocks out noise!!
The physics of the propagation of sound is immensely complicated, and when the assortment of materials that make up the walls, floors and ceiling (plus any windows, doors and furniture) are added to the equation, it's very difficult to predict what will happen to sound waves once they've left their source. What's more, every room is different, and it's not just the dimensions that will dictate how the room will sound... Imagine two rooms of the same shape and size. One has two‑metre-thick concrete walls, and the other a single‑layer plasterboard stud-wall. Even with those brief, albeit extreme descriptions, you probably know already that the two rooms will sound very different.