Do dealers believe in their products?

Do dealers believe and test out the products they sell or just stock what the industry says is good? I suppose once you are a dealer for a product it would be hard to just dump the mfg'r when a better brand comes along. Then there is the ethics if a customer asks if there is something better out there and the dealer does not believe in what he sells.
I ask because I remember going into one of my first stores. The dealer had been around for decades and I got the impression he knew of a way better system for half the price. Then a home dealer was demoing bright, shiny $5,000.00 speakers but stuck in the corner where some huge dirty speakers from the 70's. That's what he listened to on his own time, hhhmmmmmmmmmmmm.
No not all do, I had Innerosund Eros stats and the local dealer loved them, when he sold them. I came back a year or so later and a new guy who never saw me was the salesman, he had nothing good to say about them, and wouldnt ya know it? they were no longer a dealer. Nor are they in business now!
I think some definitely believe in their products. Unfortunately, occasionally companies don't support these dealers. I think in the enthusiasts world some companies are based on the idea of one man or woman pioneering based on research and his/her ears. These companies like ProAc, Ayre, Cardas, ?Audio Research, and many others seem to support local dealers and allow them some freedom to sell the way they want to. Unfortunately, even some of these companies catch the money train and start marketing and demanding that their dealers sell the way they want them to. This happened to my local dealer regarding Ayre equipment. My dealer did not want to sell a few products that Ayre offered because at the price point he felt like there were better options or there were units that he felt offered more flexibility for the same or less money. The sales manager essentially said something like if that's how you feel then you don't need to sell Ayre products and took away the product line. Granted I've heard Ayre sales have been improved since the new sales manager started so if it is about the money it is hard to argue. It takes special dealers to stand by their "code of ethics" and not be strong armed into selling things that they don't "believe in". I also think it is great if companies understand that sometimes not every single component in their line is the best. I mean who wants the entire industry to turn into the Bose audio way of the world. I hope this helps.
The local dealers have different needs from the manufactures.
The big glossy (mostly TV) long time stereo dealer has a market share and to not carry too much of what the Bestbuy carries. They want to sell glamour, along with stuff that works. They sell what has a good effect on the $$$ bottom line.
Another long term dealer stereo, sells a few lines where he gets along with the suppliers. The stuff is good, long time in business and has a longstanding high quality reputation.
They have a small business, but manage to make it.
A third longtime local dealer has odd little new brands. Stereo stuff. They are strange... How they stay in business is hard to understand.
A fourth new stereo dealer carries a few classic brands no-one else carries. They try to be totally real, upscale stereo, straight shooters. They are still coasting on the initial investment. We'll see if they can stay in business?
Do any of these 'believe'
#4 yes,
#1 no,
#2 kinda,
#3 is anyones' guess
Forgetting dealer #5 who has a bilateral exclusive agreement with an importer/distributor and is obliged to carry a line or a part of a line that he does not believe in...but has to sell at the risk of losing its exclusivity on the rest he values highly.
I wouldn't be a dealer unless I could sell stuff I genuinely believe in. It's too darn much work and drudgery otherwise, and there are other industries where that much drudgery pays much better wages.

Would you invest thousands of dollars of your own money in something that you didn't really believe in? Isn't there something better you could do with that money?

i think a more basic question is: do dealers care about sound or sales ?

unfortunately, many are less concerned with the performance of the stereo systems they set up and more concerned with telling the customer what the "best" products are.
I have been an audiophile since the 70's and recently became a home based dealer. Yes, there are politics involved as well as other issues, but I truely believe that you need to believe in your products and have a real passion about them. Loving music and the hobby in general goes hand in hand with believing in your products. Otherwise, I say go sell insurance or something like that.

Unfortunately, many dealers are not passionate and look more at the business end, and the dealers that were once passionate may no longer be. I know of one dealer who has been around a very long time. He started out as an audiophile and turned into a businessman. Thats no fun.

Although I am into the real super high end, I also carry products that are generally affordable that I would own myself given budget restrictions.

Just my perspective as an audiophile/dealer.
Vocation kills avocation. It always happens. If the endless flow of product doesn't wear you down, the customers surely will. After a while it's all just business.
Thanks for the viewpoints. I can better understand why the home based dealer makes sense in this industry.
loving audio and becoming an audio dealer is like loving cows and becomming a butcher.
"Vocation kills avocation. It always happens. If the endless flow of product doesn't wear you down, the customers surely will. After a while it's all just business."

That may be true in many or even most cases, but I think that "always" and "surely" are too sweeping in this context. As a dealer, I sell things that bring people a great deal of happiness. That doesn't get old.

"loving audio and becoming an audio dealer is like loving cows and becomming a butcher."

Hmmmm... I'd say more like loving sex and becoming a prostitute.

