Do you ever do this before you listen?

Hello everyone. I was at an audio store today with a friend that was auditioning a pair of speakers and the salesman told us to clear our ears by pinching the nose then blowing through your nose to make the ears pop (clearing them). I have to admit the music sounded  so much better lol. It makes perfect sense why you would want to do this, but I had just never thought of it. So I thought I would see who else is doing this, and maybe discover some other new tricks. SO what strange things do you do routinely before a listing session? (I know thats a loaded question to ask of this group)

Showing 2 responses by jriggy

The NeilMed link that erik_squires posted is certainly on topic and very helpful. I’m surprised more people with sinus issues don’t use them. I do it once a day before bed (helps snoring too) and sometimes twice, if I have a cold or sinus inflammation. Sure it’s annoying at first and may be hard to get used to for some, but come on, we’re all jaded adults now and should be able to eat something we don’t like or get used to doing a neti. 
Many benefits from removing mucus which can halt or servesrly slow down mucus production (mucus makes more mucus), reduces swelling opening up the sinuses, which in turn all calms pressure. At least for me it does. 
And then just blow your nose one nostril at a time to clear out the liquid. I have my system...head down and tilted towards draining side and over the sink, then plug the ‘input’ side and blow, then repeat for the other side and repeat again. Easy-peasy