Does anyone have info on a Denon dcd-3520

I have this cd player in my system and would like to get information or opinions on this player. I have found very little info on this player.
I have been told a couple times that it was the weakest link in my system excluding wires and ICs. Others have said that it was he only part they would keep.

Showing 1 response by mrchips

First of all the Denon DCD-3520 was not released until Spring, of 1989.

The now defunct magazine "High Fidelity Magazine" did a full impressive review on it May, 1989.

I had bought my Denon DCD-3520 brand new back in October, 1989. And must say even today sounds excellent. I have owned many CD Players & Transports and DACS over the years.
And the Denon DCD-3520 still sounds pretty amazing.

The Denon DCD-3520 over 40lbs, and has both XLR balanced and unbalanced. Also coax or optical if you want to use just as a transport. Furthermore, has both fixed and variable outputs if you want to bypass a preamp.

In my main Rig I usa a UnModifed Marantz SA-1 player. And my second reference system the Denon DCD-3520 in Balanced mode.

I sold dozens of players , dacs and transports since the purchase of the Denon DCD-3520 player in 1989. But could never release this player. I still have all the original packaging, reviews, brochures. It's like the day I bought it back in 1989 fresh out of the box.

All I can say is there is something very, very special sounding about this Denon player. I've had others including the Denon DCD-3560 which replaced the DCD-3520, but the DCD-3520 brings a little magic sound.

At the price of $1500 when it was released in 1989, seemed alot then. But compared today machines, it's worth every penny sound and build quality. Remember I paid $7500 for the Marantz SA-1 new and or one fifth of the price on the Denon it's a pretty , pretty, pretty (all you Larry David Fans out there) fine player.

Merry Christmas