Does anyone out there NOT hear a difference in CD

Players? I am tossing around the idea of replacing my Pioneer Elite PD-65 with a Cambridge Audio 840c, but only if their is a CLEAR improvement. In the past I have had a difficult time hearing a noticeable difference in CD players from cheap ones to higher mid-fi ones.

Showing 2 responses by gregm

replacing my Pioneer Elite PD-65 with a Cambridge Audio 840c
These players use different chipsets (generation & technology wise) so the sonic rendition will be different. How perceptible the differences depends on the rest of the system AND the kind of music you listen to.
you can approach 120 db+ dynamic range on the most recent delta sigma chips but remember your speakers are unlikely to have more than 60 db dynamic range above the noise floor - so do you need it?
What a heartless remark:)! For a dB junkie like myself, you succinctly epitomised the futility of this race...:(
Oh, and if only the s/ware really had 100dB wouldn't that be fun (and largely inaudible)!

BTW, at 60dB thems spkrs is doin good. Most won't do 25 before kicking a few buckets...