Does anyone own the Pass Labs X1 preamp?

There is almost NO discussion of this pre on Audiogon. Archives are bare bones.

Showing 1 response by 7p62mm

Gotta put a plug in in for the SF Line 3. It doesn't sound at all grainy to me. Not saying that it is the best tube preamp but it definitely is on the short list of the most for the money tube preamp. The only complaint that I have is that it doesn't have quite enough gain to drive my Bryston 4BST when using the digital TV box for a source. OK, I know that I am off topic and will get back to the thread. From looking at Pass Lab's specs and reviewing owners comments one thing that stands out is that NOBODY complains about the Pass Labs products performance. It looks like state of the art SS to me. If you buy the X1 then you probably will have no complaints.