Does it get any better?

I've made a few equipment changes in my system this year, and I'm overjoyed in what I'm hearing. I've been at this audio thang for many decades, and I feel like my current system is the best sound I've heard yet .What the specific equipment is, is not the point. I've listened to much more expensive systems, but I'm hearing details and naturalness of voices and instruments, and space, and placement, and, and, well YOU know - with no trace of harshness or false lushness - like I've never heard before.
So yes, I'm sticking with what I've got for a while.
 But I find myself asking - does it really get any BETTER than this?
 Different- sure. But better, I really don't know - have any of you come to this point yourself? Am I fooling myself?

Showing 1 response by inna

I don't know what you have but I think in the end to make it significantly better you'll have to get bigger and better room. Room creates ultimate limitation, and you have to tune the room.
As for the actual cost of the speakers, it will depend, including on the room, but it will not be inexpensive. You may not need $120k if the room is not big and you don't listen to large scale music at concert volume level. As Flemming Rasmussen, designer of Gryphon amps and speakers said," you need large system for large scale music ".