Does it get any better?

I've made a few equipment changes in my system this year, and I'm overjoyed in what I'm hearing. I've been at this audio thang for many decades, and I feel like my current system is the best sound I've heard yet .What the specific equipment is, is not the point. I've listened to much more expensive systems, but I'm hearing details and naturalness of voices and instruments, and space, and placement, and, and, well YOU know - with no trace of harshness or false lushness - like I've never heard before.
So yes, I'm sticking with what I've got for a while.
 But I find myself asking - does it really get any BETTER than this?
 Different- sure. But better, I really don't know - have any of you come to this point yourself? Am I fooling myself?

Showing 1 response by twoleftears

What's better?  More of all the qualities you currently appreciate?  How much better? 2%, 5%, 10%, 20%?  To make a significant *improvement*--rather than, as you say, just a difference--be prepared to spend 3x, 4x, 5x the total cost of your current system, combined with a lot of work swopping in and out components, etc. etc.  So it boils down to the effort/reward ratio: how important is "better" to you, and how much time and money are you prepared to invest in that effort.  If the prospect sounds daunting, I'd say sit back and enjoy the music.  However it sounds, it's already better than what 99% of music listeners are hearing right this minute.