Doge 8 Clarity Owners-HOMC OK?

Looking for a tube preamp with phono. Currently my VPI CLASSIC/BENZ Micro feeds my Parasound P7/A52. Is the phonostage in the DOGE compatable with my cartridge? What about Doge reliability? This would be a longterm buy.Build Quality? Longterm owners,what say you?

Others being considered; used Modwright LS100,Rouge 99 Magnum +, Can the Doge be made to sound as tubey as these two 6sn7 based pre's?
I've had a Doge 8 (not the Clarity) in my system for over two years. Build quality is excellent and the unit has been reliable. I play my system every day. There is a 30 day trial but it is not free. There is a small restocking fee and you must pay return shipping. As for cartridge compatability I would contact Pacific Valve directly. They are very straight forward and easy to deal with.
I've owned the original Doge 8 for a while. Build quality is excellent. I cannot speak to the cartridge issue. Vic at Pacific Valve is a stand up guy and I would trust him to provide excellent service. He's very accessible and I wouldn't hesitate giving him a call. If I'm not mistaken Pacific Valve offers a free in home audition.