Dumb file size question.

I just downloaded my first album from HD Tracks and was a bit shocked at the file size. I downloaded it at 96/24 in ALAC format. It is 1.26 GB! When I rip my CDs in ALAC format they are around 300 MB. What's up here? Is the HD Tracks file just uncompressed? Will iTunes compress it? Sorry for the stupidity just wasn't expecting to have to store and deal with files that large.

Showing 1 response by sbank

You can buy a decent 2TB Seagate usb drive for about $80 on Amazon, etc. Someday you might upgrade your rig and you will be kicking yourself if you compressed files due to the cost of storage. Always go with the larger file sizes and best sound quality available. 

Unfortunately, SQ will depend on the provenance of the recording. If you read that the source of the hirez is an analog master, you will usually get good SQ. Too many labels and HD Tracks in particular often upsample from a CD quality original to sell hirez for more profit. Especially on newer releases. Read the details where possible before buying and be selective! Cheers,