Dynavector DV-20xM VPI 1mV edition spec sheet

Does anyone happen to have the original complete spec sheet for the VPI special edition Dynavector cartridge (DV-20x 1mV medium output) and be kind enough to post? I can’t find anywhere via google search and no longer available on either Dynavector or VPI websites. Thanks!
Ag insider logo xs@2xhukarij
Thanks guys, great suggestions! I did post on the VPI forum and emailed VPI directly. I’ll call VPI tomorrow. I also found the box this weekend but no spec’s other than a sticker that says 1.0 mV (which I already knew). I’ll call Hollywood Sound if I can’t get through to VPI. Thanks again!
You might try the VPI forum for an answer and help. It is an active forum with plenty of help available.
If you can't get an answer here, try Hollywood Sound in FL. He should have it. Also, why not call VPI? If the DV was a factory deal, they should have the specs.