Dynavector XX-2

Anyone have or heard this Cart?.
How close does it come to the DRT XV-1S?.
I am waiting for my Voyd TT, Helius Omega and XX-2 to be set up by Tom Totay and I have an all Audio Note system.

Don't even bother looking at other manufacturers. The Dynavector's are the only cartridges with a ruler flat frequency response curve as measured on the B&K analyzer. I once compared my XX-2H measurement tape to one from a Benz Lp. The Benz Lp measurement tape resembled an EKG Cardiogram with huge dips and spikes in it’s frequency response while my XX-2H was ruler flat from 20hz-20Khz. The DV20XL is a great low cost $500.00 cartridge, but it does have the dynamics of the XX-2. I have heard that the Te Kaitora Rua is even smoother sounding than the XX-2.

Glory, Thanks for your question.

I have never played them head to head on the same turntable. When the ZYX is down, the XX-2 goes on the Amazon and Schroeder, otherwise it stays on the Rega9. I am not a very good A/B guy. The XX-2 did a beautiful job on the Amazon and Schroeder, very similar sound as the ZYX line, nice and honest. The XX-2 just can't reach as far as the ZYX. There is an open, relaxed clarity with these two manufacturers. You don't think of adjectives like “warm” or “liquid”. You just focus on the music. If it’s good music, you are grooving. If the lp or the recording is not so hot, you get up and pull the record. When you hear the music through the ZYX, you hear things so much more clearly. Background passages or riffs from familiar (and old) lps are suddenly there. You are not sure that you knew they existed. It is amazing how much information is masked out by the noise floor…Of course the rest of your system has to be there to let the Z sing.

Did I even answer your question?
Glory, think Arthur Salvatore might write a bit about the ZYX compared to the DRT on his website.

Comparing the UNIverse to the XX-2 is apples to oranges. The Zyx is a great cartridge; the Dyna a very good one. However, at its' price the XX-2 is a good value.

FWIW, regarding the frequency measurement argument simply disregard it as audiospeak rhetoric. Those graphs and charts are nice to look but you can't listen to them. I've heard speakers measuring 20-20K flat that aren't fit for car stereo.
WHOA! The Dynavector XX-2 lists for $1650. The ZYX Universe for $7950. How can you compare the two?