EAD DSP 7000/9000 .... Best DACs ?????

Hello everybody,

I actually need a DAC, with XLR outputs.

I've been told by many people that the old EAD DACs were the bests, in term of musicality. Better than Spectral 9000 Pro, better then ML dacs, even better than DCS items.....
Not necessarily the more precise, the more accurate, the ones that gives the most 3-D aspect, but just the more musical.

What is you opinion about that ?

Do you agree, or do you recommand another DAC (with XLR outputs) ?

Thanxs for your help,
If you can update it through the mod company you would be onto a real winner here. I remember the 9000 having teflon circuit boards, and I really enjoyed my 7000. After all a DAC is mainly computer technology driven in its processing power.
Apologies if you got turned off by'too old for this age". It all depends on your budget and mod capability!
Hi steve,
I am a big fan of EAD dac and cd player.IMHO the EAD is an incredible value dac,but if you can get your hand on the old sonic frontiers tube dac.Grab it as fast as you can..I did and i gave up my ead for the sonic and been very very happy..
The EAD 9000 (modified by Boelen) is by far the best DAC period!! If fact, I will challenge anyone living in the Los Angeles area to come to my house and put up or shut up!! I've heard the Sonic Frontier DACs and everything else. If you prefer a colored DAC to hide the flaws in your system, than go with a tube DAC. If you have a great system that can keep up, than you owe yourself a 9000 so when you read some of the comments above, you will quickly know where I’m coming from! In fact, I own two 9000s (one unbalanced and the other balanced) they are that good!!