
Responses from nevillekapadia

Full-sounding SS amps (besides Pass)
Some of the new brands I have heard are Lavardin and SPEC.But the stalwarts like CH Precision, Dartzeel's big amps, JRDG, Audio Net and many more will all come down to personal taste and speaker synergy. 
The midrange is the most important driver.
My experience says that the lower mid bass is where most (75-80%) of the music presence is (60Hz-800Hz) and that is the critical part where the driver has to have the least amount of distortion, quick recovery and best tonality. You'll be surprise... 
Jeff Rowland to what?
I think you are wasting your time if you are looking for something better. Different yes, but not probably not much better than Jeff's S2 series. Unless you go to mega bucks amplifiers like the Big Dartzeels or Gryphons. 
Elrog 300b's for sale. Your thoughts?
It's been exactly one year since I have used my updated 'new production' tubes. No issues, no flaws.Mind you I don't keep removing them for any A/B testing while they are warm, etc.But I have changed them from one amp to another, while completely ... 
15" is deep enough
Subject- 15" is deep enough....! And that's what my partner said on the first night...............when she had a look at my equipment...........................while leaning on the audio shelf! MwahahahahaSorry, I just couldn't help myself. 
JBL Everest DD67000 vs. Avantgarde Duo Mezzo
Having is having owned Duo Omegas since the last 10+ years. And having heard the Duo Mezzo's often, the Everests 67000 are ahead of them. Just heard the JBL's on the weekend gone. The drivers have less distortions in the JBL, than the Mezzo's. Chi... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Guys, Posting here after a long, long time being a silent observer of this thread over the last few days.But thanks to all of your comments, I too have made the decision to get a pair of the Elrog's, to hear these sonic qualities. Mine are suppose... 
Question on FR 66s
Apologies for the double post. 
Question on FR 66s
Or express a point on a 'reference', rather than keep talking about the virtue of a component several times. 
Question on FR 66s
Why not take a master tape reel to reel, played back on a well set up Studer machine (or any other decent tape player) and compare it to all the arms and cartridges combinations you think are 'right'. The one closest in performance to the master t... 
Question on FR 66s
Why not take a master tape reel to reel, played back on a well set up Studer machine (or any other decent tape player) and compare it to all the arms and cartridges combinations you think are 'right'. The one closest in performance to the master t... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
Play an uncompressed master file recorded in DSD, and played back through the same DSD recorder and you probably will be hearing a step above a top end vinyl rig and even RTR.I enjoy both digital and analog mediums and respect that the need for bo... 
EMM DCC2-SE or Sony 5400ES for HiRez downloads?
Hi The only way to play downloads is converting your usb output to AES/EBU or SPDIF to input into the EMM. high quality one on the market is empirical's off ramp (expensive).or having a good sound card that has the above AES/EBU or SPDIF output to... 
Korg tascam etc. recorders any comments?
SuteetatThat is the big question- who is going to come out with the software which will send pure DSD over USB? Korg's Audiogate, Foobar, Pyramax, Sonoma.....?Both Mytek and PB Design have mentioned their ability to decode the signal, but neither ... 
Korg tascam etc. recorders any comments?
Use the Korg MR2000S for transferring vinyl to 2xDSD and find it extremely close to the original source. It would really difficult to differentiate them in a blind listening session. Even without a blind A/B test, you have to make sure that you ar...