Elapsed Time Counter for Tracking Stylus Life

A perennial issue for us anal retentive analog types -- how to know when to change out your cart. Some keep track of sides played, others use the time use trackers in their tube phono stages, while others don’t bother

Haven’t you asked yourself if someone makes such a thing? Turns out they do but mostly for industrial control applications and not available stand alone.

Given I’m now running two carts and have a habit of playing bits of sides (nor could I be bothered to record how many I’d played) I’ve decided to build my own based around this simple module -- two of these, with two on/off switches and two reset buttons, will do the job! Finally I put my EE degree to use 😉. Should be <$100 all in and I can make it look nice

I’ll report back on this project once completed -- potentially the same idea is good for those that need to track tube life and lack an built in meter as well

Showing 1 response by elizabeth

I use mechanical 9999 clickers. Metal. round about the diameter of a flattened golf ball punch once to up number by one. I think they cost me $7 at American Science And Surplus. But on Amazon too.
I own two of them.One for the Benz Glider. One for the Dynavector 17D3. I click once for each side. I calculate 20 minutes per side.It is way better than pure guessing. My Benz Glider is coming up to 1000 hours if I allow 25 minutes per click.  But I also use Stylast. an that should double the lifespan...