ElectrostatsPlaner/Ribbon s Vs Cone driv

I have owned Proacs, B&W Nautilus, Theils and others but never planers. I auditioned ML Arieus but was not taken with the musicality and the other models too big for my room. No other dealers nearby to demo Maggies, etc.
I know the general differences of the two design concepts, but I am trying to determine if there is a smallish planer design that would give nearly all the satisfaction I am getting from my BW Nautilus 805's with REL Strata Sub. In particular I would love to gain the lifesize soundstage and midrange wonder but not feel lacking by the lesser performance in high and low frequencies. I have a Levinson 331 amp and AR LS22 preamp. thanks for any experienced suggestions.
There are any "small" planar speakers, but the Maggie 1.6R's are a great smaller model, and they should pair very well with a good subwoofer like the REL Strata.
Check out Manger USA. They have a new design for the low-mids-high range 200-32,000Hz (The extreme LF 20-200 is handeled by two 10" woofers. The sound is so open you might want to consider this new design.
The Maggie 1.6 is one that I am considering but was hoping to hear from someone about what I might expect in the way of pro's and cons of the 1.6 with REL sub vs the 805N with same sub. I will also try to get info on the Manger USA but I need something that will not overpower a smallish room. Again, no Maggie dealer nearby so I must rely on other's opinions for now. Thanks
I totally agree with the Maggie 1.6r's. They are everything the ML Aerius is not. If you can stretch a bit financially, you can reach a bit of nirvana with SoundLabs. Call Duke at AudioKinesis in New Orleans for the best service.
"...I am trying to determine if there is a smallish planer design..."--don't know about you, but in my book the Maggie 1.6 is not "smallish". More, "tallish" and "thinnish". To find smaller speakers with planar drivers may be a bit of a trick. Small panels don't make much sound--they can't move as much air. Although, the Red Rose monitor was ok at CES--but it didn't have the holographic/planar mids you may want. (It only has a ribbon tweeter--only about an inch square). I've happily listened to Apogee hybrids for many years and in particular have enjoyed their lifesize soundstage and mids-to-highs performace. The Apogee is not as big from the front as the Maggie. What it makes up for by being smaller than the Maggie, it more than gives back in the ugly department! Anywho, smaller speakers probably won't satisfy your low-end desires. (Nothing prurient implied!) But Apogees on their own don't have much for bass. So--maybe mate the Apogees with the REL. That's a combo I think may be to your liking...