ElectrostatsPlaner/Ribbon s Vs Cone driv

I have owned Proacs, B&W Nautilus, Theils and others but never planers. I auditioned ML Arieus but was not taken with the musicality and the other models too big for my room. No other dealers nearby to demo Maggies, etc.
I know the general differences of the two design concepts, but I am trying to determine if there is a smallish planer design that would give nearly all the satisfaction I am getting from my BW Nautilus 805's with REL Strata Sub. In particular I would love to gain the lifesize soundstage and midrange wonder but not feel lacking by the lesser performance in high and low frequencies. I have a Levinson 331 amp and AR LS22 preamp. thanks for any experienced suggestions.
There are any "small" planar speakers, but the Maggie 1.6R's are a great smaller model, and they should pair very well with a good subwoofer like the REL Strata.
Check out Manger USA. They have a new design for the low-mids-high range 200-32,000Hz (The extreme LF 20-200 is handeled by two 10" woofers. The sound is so open you might want to consider this new design.
The Maggie 1.6 is one that I am considering but was hoping to hear from someone about what I might expect in the way of pro's and cons of the 1.6 with REL sub vs the 805N with same sub. I will also try to get info on the Manger USA but I need something that will not overpower a smallish room. Again, no Maggie dealer nearby so I must rely on other's opinions for now. Thanks