Eminent Technology LFT-8b in Harry's system

I recently signed up for the V.P.I. Industries newsletter, and today received my first such. In it, Harry Weisfeld reviews a Grado phono cartridge, but this post concerns one of the speakers he listed as being those he uses to listen to music and evaluate recordings through. All but one are traditional dynamic cones/domes in a box designs, only one being a planar/dipole. That planar is the Eminent Technology LFT-8b. I'm pretty sure Harry could, if he so chose, have instead as his sole planar a pair of $6000 Magneplanar MG 3.7i's, or even $14,000 20.7's. But nope, he instead chose the $2500 ET LFT-8b, imo the greatest value in a loudspeaker on the market. I compared it to the 1.7i, and the difference was dramatic.

Showing 1 response by nkj

The  LFT8b cost far too little for what it can do. Thigpen is brilliant and it is a shame that these speakers do not get more attention.

@lewm  I use a pair of Beveridge Model 3 speakers with RM s DD amps by passing the internal step up and crossover network. I use the amp with a shallow 1st order crossover on the input at about 70-80hz with the rest going to a pair of RELs . Very nice- if only Beveridge had access to modern subs back then. The amps BTW have a tube input and driver. I run silicone test prod wires from the amp to the stators.

Have fun with the ET ... it is a great product.