Favorite band or artist of all time?

1st of all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone at Audiogon!
I've Have been thinking about it(hundreds of choices)and lately  just wondering, If you had to pick just one, what would be your favorite band or artist of all time???
 Extremely hard decision!, but Mine would be Elton John.
(deeply rooted since I was 10 or 11) Old fart now😎

Showing 3 responses by stevecham

I was absorbed with Cream when Sunshine Of Your Love/Disaraeli Gears hit the airwaves and record stores in Boston in late 1967. And then Wheels Of Fire came out and I begged my folks to give me advance on my allowance so that I could purchase it. And then, a couple of years later, I realised what a troglodyte of a drummer Ginger Baker was. Compared to other drummers that soon after came to the fore, he sounded relatively plodding, and that horrible tom-tom cacaphony soon drive me nuts. I mean, where was the snare? At least Moon could swing.
The story goes that Clapton offered his services to The Band and their response was something like, no thanks, we already have a guitarist.