Feelings when listening Rel ST Series subwoofers


I'd like to know your feelings or sensations when listening different models of Rel ST series in stereo (Strata, Storm, Stadium and Stentor). I know the specs: deeper bass and more power with superior models.

But what have you really felt? I use 'feel' since the differences are in the sub-bass frequencies, which are said we can not listen to.

Thank you.
Artmaltman, did you compare your actual Strata with other Rel subwoofers (ST series) when you bought it?

If so, what differences did you notice?

I have an Art of Sound (which uses a REL clone amp and simliar Peerless drivers) sub. I use mine for both 2-channel and HT. This hooks up the same way also with Speakon and low level inputs connected simultaneously. It is awsome with music, meaning it adds well-defined bass to my Tannoys which go down to about 35HZ. With HT, it does not "shake the foundation", however it adds impact in a very accurate, believable way. There are times when the bass is low enough that it can be felt, although not in any painful way (no kidney damage). The impact will get your attention, but not in an overbearing manner. It blends so well with the R/L for music that the Tannoys sound even better. Unless you're trying to annoy people in another city with the bass volume, the REL's and Art of Sound and some others are engineered so well that you shouldn't feel deprived with either music or HT.
feelings? emotional or physical...REL can give u both.( or any other highend brand)..Depending on room size,room tunes,
room absorption ,diffusion etc...IN GENERAL the smaller subs will complement smaller speakers and smaller rooms and give them added depth missing.depth as in lower frequencies,making seamless music if all else is okay.if it's not in tune ,in the wrong spot ,it's boomy and it will sound like mud... Now this applies to music as well as HT, when someone says I 'm not sure for HT...then he is used to bad boomy bass, movies with great explosions that shake the room ...you see with a rel your going to feel and hear the explosions...with a bad set-up your going to hear and feel annoying bass when bass isn't called for, someone walking,talking,doors closing (no slam) wind blowing ,background music etc...
AS for stentor3 types ,in size and quality, different animal... i have one ,it's like comparing a dog to a dog,or a dog to a lion...different animal
No, I haven't actually tried my Strata III in my home theatre setup. It may do VERY well there for some/most people. However, I actually LIKE the house shaking and powerful bass that comes out of the cheapo sub that's in my home theatre now, and I doubt that the REL would be as powerful. It's a more subtle subwoofer. Yes, it's unparalled in my music system and truly wonderful there. Deep and textured, but based on what I hear there I don't think it would do dinosour stomps as well as my other sub. I can say I don't even have the urge to put it in the HT setup for a trial.

Enough said - so please take my opinion with a grain of salt and by all means, try it for yourself if you can.
