Figure 8

Have you listened to Elliott Smith's 'Figure 8' on vinyl? I purchased the only copy I could find, on Plain Recordings. It sounds terrible; like someone mixed sand into the vinyl. I am wondering if I just got a defective vinyl copy??? I have the CD also, it sounds good, not great, but a least it I can listen to it without wanting to run from the room... I love this album and so wish I could get a great copy on vinyl.
to me, smith's greatest work was on his first three, lo-fi records. he always sounded ill-suited to the studio gloss of xo and figure 8--the songs were still there, but his voice and esp. his guitar playing was buried in all the production; it seemeed like the label was trying to turn him into paul simon. great artist--i miss 'em
Hey Stickman451, I just listened to my copy, (also a Plain Recordings pressing), and it sounds fine on my system. (I am not going to say that it is a fantastic pressing, but it is very listenable.) There were no loud pops, and very little low level crackling, and even then it was confined to the area between tracks.

And I agree that this is a very good record. (I prefer XO, but this is a close second.)

My advice is to try to return the LP, and/or get another copy. Good Luck!