First Foray into XLR

I know this is a topic like ‘oil’ or ‘tires’ on a car forum, but I have to ask...

Marantz AV8802a to Odyssey Stratos amp to Aerial 7T’s. Looking for advice on 1M XLR’s from pre/pro to power amp.

I’m skeptical of cables and snake oil claims, but I’m trying to be open minded. I’ve not used XLR before, so I’m not replacing anything, and not looking to spend a fortune, but would like input from others who’ve been where I am.

Thanks for the info. I will see what I can out. Thanks...

should I amend the question to ‘what cables of either configuration would people here recommend to someone who’s sceptical but willing to try something more than freebie cables’?

I’m impressed with the 2 channel performance given my current receiver. Imaging is wide and relatively deep, and high. Music as a whole is involving, with pace, rhythm, and no fatigue, individual notes well defined. I’m curious as to what else might be there.....
Listen to Al.

I say Mogami 2534 or Canare 4E6S with ETI connectors. Both are star quad configurations, which suppresses RF. I have come to prefer Mogami because the shield is easier to unravel and terminate, and also because Canare uses teflon dielectric, which releases toxic fumes when heated above 460F.

Both are very high class microphone cables. Terminate the shield on one end only, usually the amplifier end. I use these cables on a high end system and have never been convinced of a reason to change.
If you go XLR make sure you get a "star quad" cable to get the real benefit of the noise rejection. I’m running the Canare and think they are great.

Aside from Studio or large facility applications, balanced XLR interconnects are of little use. They are designed for rejection of electromagnetic interference over long runs in a studio environment with equipment specificly designed for low impedance operation.
In my opinion, balanced XLR connections are useless for Home Audio.
[I deleted the unecessary snark. :-) ]