Five "Golden Rules" of HiFi?

Tough question, but if you had to list your 5 most important "Golden Rules" of hifi, from your own experiences, what would they be?
To start things off, mine would be:

1. Protect your hearing; without it, the rest is pointless.
2. Use a surge/overvoltage protection power board
3. Read lots of reviews and forums like this one
4. Don't buy secondhand speakers (bad experience!)
5. Never buy gear without listening to your own music through it.

Showing 1 response by audiokinesis

1. Make sure there really is a record on the spinning platter before you lower the needle.

2. Set up an electric fence around your ribbon speakers before the neighbor kids come over. Don't forget to plug it in.

3. Your speakers should probably cost more than your speaker cables. But not if you plan to upgrade speakers one of these days.

4. Don't let inebriated friends adjust the volume control, especially if they want to crank it up to "see what happens".

5. Don't volunteer your opinion of your friend's shiney new purchase unless he unequivocally asks you to - and even then, remember you might as well be talking about his religion.
