Frank Sinatra CD's with Great Sound?

To start the New Year I am renewing my search for Frank Sinatra music. I am looking for CD's in particular. Unfortunately it seems like trial and error to find cd's that deliver the musical goods. For example, the My Way Cd, "The Best of Sinatra is a 2 cd (Made in Australia)
set and it seems that the highs and lows were cut off. This is a problem in many cd's as they seem to be made for
portable cd devices only. The choice of Sinatra Cd's is vast and I was looking for guidance to find particular cd's that let all the music come through. My system consists of Thor Audio Amp, preamp, Blue Note Stibbert Improved Tubed Cd player and quad 988's. In short, my system is up to it, but is the source up to it as well? Any help with particular recommendations would be appreciated.
2 that I like are from DCC - 1957 in concert and the second is the rat pack. On the second the songs are very good with Dean Martin IMYO stealing the show, both are recorded live.
Try The Duets series which were recorded toward the end of his run. He sings with some of the luminaries of today on this series.
The 50's material with Capitol (my favorite, by far) was digitally remastered I think in the late 80s and released on both CD and Lp. I bought Only the Lonely, In the Wee Small Hours (mono), Songs for Young Lovers (mono), and several others on CD. There was a lot of lousy remastering done in those days, but, to my ear, the folks that did this Sinatra material got it right with these three, at least. I have used the first two of those as demo discs (among others) in listening sessions at hi-fi stores from time-to-time. (In fact, I used two of the three last night on the EMM CDSA that I borrowed to audition for the weekend, and they sound really good.)

Since that time, I think they may have been remastered again. The newer versions may sound great...I don't know. There's such an irritating tendency among some companies to assume that "remastering" means "turn up the treble till it hurts", out of caution, I'm sticking with what I've got, for now.

If you like the Tommy Dorsey/Sinatra material (which I quite enjoy, myself), RCA reissued it in nicely done remasterings in 1994 (CD only, as far as I know). The material was released in a 5-CD box called "The Song is You." It's just a tad brighter than I prefer, but they somehow cleaned up the sound very nicely compared to a similar earlier edition. It's some of the most listenable early 40's material that I've heard.
I agree with Shadorne and Ehaller....."Live at The Sands" is sensational. The Count Basie band with Sinatra is great.
"It's all so new" Sinatra with Tommy Dorsey. I believe his voice at this time was very bel canto. I have the capital years on cd never moved me the remastering with this reissue.
Thank you for your help in ssuggesting Frank Sinatra CD's.
In the meantime I have been searching and found the reviews on very instructive. Many of the people
that reviewed the cd's of Sinatra really know his music and it was obvious after reading 80-90 in depth opinions that there are 2 cd's that seemed to be worth trying. Well for $47.00 which includes shipping I purchased the 2 c'd
"The Very best of Frank Sinatra", and the 3 CD "The Capitol
Years" Both Cd's had great sonics and content. The Very Best of Frank had songs that he recorded in the 60's and the Capitol cd's were songs that he recorded in the 50's. There are some repeats of songs on both cd's that he sung in the 50's and 60's. I enjoyed both cd's and highly recommend them to all.
Again, "Live At The Sands". One note...the intro at the beginning by the guy who played "Cannon" on TV did not happen at the concert. It was recorded in a studio after and "multi-tracked" onto the album.
Try the recent Box Set Vegas. I really enjoy it. I find the recording quality to very good.

It is great to hear essentially the same show perfomed at the Sands in the 60's then on the next disc Ceasars in the 80's...

The comments above in regrads to the Sands recording is right LITTLE comment....tweak the CD as Rick Shultz at "Tweak Audio" suggests!!! You will be VERY happy!

Best wishes

Another vote for ''Live at the Sands'' really nice, (check out the piano player and band conductor, another legend to say the least) !!!!!!!
All of you who enjoy Sinatra Live at the Sands;

I can't recommend enough Robbie Williams Swing when you're Winning (don't be cynical => rat Pack fans will be floored by this production which is with Count Basie Band, an asbolute GEM and stellar audiophile quality!)

If you enjoyed the above - then you will also definitely enjoy Robbie Live at the Albert Hall DVD. Your wife will especially enjoy it - so make sure you cosy up on the couch with a bottle of wine!

BTW - I am NOT a fan of any of Robbie's other stuff.

PPS - Robbie uses active PMC speakers - so if this album impresses you then try to audition some...
The Sinatra "Best of Capitol" box set. Came out in early 1990s. Great survey of his body of work on the label. PS: Family members played on those sessions, so I am very fond of these.
The Sinatra "Best of Capitol" box set. Came out in early 1990s.

And Capitol Studios LA is where Robbie Williams recorded his Swing tribute to the Rat Pack with Count Basie Band. I promise you it is the real deal - superb drumming from Harold Jones and engineered by the incomparable Al Schmitt. If you don't have it and you like Sinatra then don't be cynical as it is a refreshing and worthehile rework of some old favorites...
my favorite Sinatra is currently the remastered Antonio Carlos Jobim and Sinatra. I never thought Sinatra could pull off the bossa sound but his liquid cool is great covering Dinde, bangles baubles ad beads, girl from ipinima, etc.
I have all of the remasters and "September of my Years" is clearly the best sounding.