Fried speaker comparison

I am looking at Fried A/3, Q/3 and Betas. How would these models compare? I know the MSRP of the speakers, but would like opinions of anyone familiar with the Fried line. Thanks in advance!
I have a pair of Fried Model RIIi (improved) speakers. I think they sound very good on classical music, they are smooth (like vintage British speakers) with exceptionally good soundstage depth . They would not be my first choice for pop/rock music. Something like a KEF 103.2 with more bass and scale.
Model R write up at:
@Airkitty, do you still have your SM Subs?
I also have a set. I built them back in the late 70's. They are amazing. I've never found anything that compares, even in today's world of servo-controlled subwoofers. Unfortunately, the Dalesford D300 drivers in mine have deteriorated with time. I'm trying desperately to locate replacements with matching physical and mechanical characteristics. Any suggestions?
