Fried speaker comparison

I am looking at Fried A/3, Q/3 and Betas. How would these models compare? I know the MSRP of the speakers, but would like opinions of anyone familiar with the Fried line. Thanks in advance!
You never know what will sound best with what.
The variables in audio(in general?) are so many we don't even know what most of them are.

I'm supossed to receive my Q/3's tomorrow,my initial guess
is a Promethius TVC with AVA 260ex amp and DNM reson speaker cable.
No doubt I'll end up using one of the other dozen pre's and amps currently in my possesion-LOL.
I have an underutilized (i.e. too many other speakers) set of Fried Beta Signatures with factory replacement "woofers" ($75 ea. for replacements) and "The Subwoofer". I listened to them connected to a H/K PA5800 amp and H/K preamp. Very musical, indeed.
I have a pair of Fried Model RIIi (improved) speakers. I think they sound very good on classical music, they are smooth (like vintage British speakers) with exceptionally good soundstage depth . They would not be my first choice for pop/rock music. Something like a KEF 103.2 with more bass and scale.
Model R write up at: