From Thiel CS6 to Wilson Sophia 2 or 3

Has anyone replaced a pair of Thiel cs6's with the current Wilson Sophia's and if so what were your impressions. I have the Thiels now and after listening to the Sophia 3, I feel they sound more natural, but am concerned that they are not as big or expansive as the Thiel. This may be the room or equipment. I am running the Thiels with a Classe 301, Joule Pre, and a audio research cd3 mark 2. I heard the Wilson's on Ayre and boulder. Thanks for any response.

Showing 1 response by goatwuss

This thread is almost year old, not sure where the OP ended up. The only Thiel I've heard is the 2.4 I believe. Sounded thin and dry to me. I'm sure the bigger ones can sound good in the right setups. I've heard wilson sound AMAZING and I've heard them sound analytical.

The difference is the room, nearly always. The OP heard the Thiel and the Sophia 3 in totally different systems & different rooms. Unfortunately, comparing components in different rooms is only going to mislead the conclusions.