Fuses fuses fuses

Ok, this is about fuses

1- a standard Bussman fuse is UL approved. Are any "high end" fuses UL approved?

2- do any component manufacturers supply their gear with any of the usual suspects of high end fuses as opposed to a standard Bussman?

3- let's say fuses do make a difference. Given incoming power is AC, why could fuses be directional? 

Not meaning to light any fires here- 

thanks in advance 

Showing 2 responses by tubegroover

Yeah I read it Ralph and am mystified why Geoff didn’t acknowledge it in his explanation which completely avoided it. It is a truism in audio that MANY things can affect sound, often in quite subtle ways, some more profound, of that i’m a witness . Unfortunately it is often taken as a monetary opportunity for some that make their livelihood by exploiting for profit, sometimes substantial, the differences. Geoff wouldn’t you agree that Audioquest has a vested interested in promoting "truthful hyperbole"? It’s all about marketing savvy and understanding the customer. Hundred dollar fuses, really?😂

Reminds me of a very wise man I knew many years back and a saying he had that never left me,, "you’very got a buck, how do I get it". So WHAT is the "magic" in a hundred buck fuse that makes it cost what it does Geoff, must be marketing costs, right? Or is it literally just worth more than it's weight in gold, or at least close to it. 

What I haven't learned Geoff is why does a "simple" AC fuse sell for 100.00? Yes, I have listened to SR red and black, oh there are differences for sure but for the money there are more substantive ways to spend in my estimation. I also experimented with a gold fuse years back in may Berning's amp, it was a gift from a fellow Berning owner, marginal improvement, I think. It retailed for 40.00. Haven't personally witnessed the directional cable phenomena but did experiment years back, didn't hear differences, Stereovox, Cardas, Harmonic Tech and I'm sure a few others, it's been a while. Reversing fuses? I'll pass, I have to draw the line somewhere otherwise I'd have too little time to do what drew me to this place to begin with. Agree concerning cryogenic treatment on wires AND tubes. So you see we don't disagree on everything. 

Thanks Al and Ralph for your explanations and for keeping it real.