Gallo Ref III Amps/impressions

I currently own Maggie 1.6qr's and have been in the market to move up to 3.6r's. In anticipation of that I bought an Innersound ESL MKIII, new from Innersound (last of these). I love the amp, and it has MASSIVE power. I had planned to match with the bigger Maggies, but after reading many reviews I am contemplating a move to the Gallo Ref III.

Part of the reason, is that I just sold my Sunfire True Signature sub, and was going to buy a Velodyne DD-12 (faster, easier to set up), and read that the Gallo would work very well without a sub. Anyway 2 questions:

1) Has anyone heard the Gallo Ref III with the mystery SA Amp attached? Can you go sans sub in that configuration?

2) What about using my Innersound ESL amp with these? The amp is 300w @ 8ohm, 600 @ 4ohm. The guys at Gallo (very helpful), suggested that I keep the Innersound. He said that the Ref III would love the power, and it would, as it does with Maggies, ML's, SoundLabs, extend the bass a ton. What do you think??
Anyone have the SA amp yet? Is it available, or are we still waiting? Last I heard, March was the date. Anyone know any different?

When I first bought these speakers, I thought I would need it. Now that mine are broken in, I'm not so sure. They are very well balanced just the way they are. I am looking for others opinions, but the SA's are going to have to be pretty good. Unless they make a huge difference, I will leave the speakers just the way they are.
One good reason for getting the SA is that it gives you the ability to adjust bass output parameters to remove low frequency room modes. The same capablity is built into Vandersteen 5A's and Infinity Prelude MTS, some of the best sounding speakers available. I'm saving my pennies for Rives PARC, which will do the same thing for any pair of speakers.
Rives PARC? I haven't heard of this. Any more information Jburidan?
The Rives PARC is an analog parametric equalizer. It goes between pre-amp and amp. Using a test CD and SPL meter, the owner measures frequency responses in the listening room below 350Hz, and then programs the PARC to yield flat frequency reponse. It's the best thing since womens beach volleyball. Many CES exhibitors rely on PARC to tame room breathing modes. My dream is to own a pair of Meadowlark Blue Heron 2's, and Rives PARC. Check out the Rives website for more information.
Best wishes,
(This is a two channel signature.)
Not much recently on the Gallos.But wish I knew if it was the end all and be all.It won product of the year from so many sources like 6 Moons,Absolute Sound etc.I was thinking of many speakers that are compacty which I haven't heard like the well reviewed Gershman RX-20 and have experience with ,B&W,Audio Physics etc.I was thinking of maybe used Quad 988,used Preludes, or a number of others but when you look at the price versus claims maybe Gallo is worth a shot.I had a pair of Ref II's and liked them but they weren't the perfect speaker.And I thought the Bose compteing little Nucleus spheres (even with the better 150 sub) sucked almost as bad as Bose.So I am slightly wary.Was just hoping more folks had gotten out thjere and given them a listen.
P.S> fully checked the threads and there are over 150to go through so I mispoke.Just want to know if it's the reall deal value/performance wise or another payola thing the way the early little spheres were.