Gallo reference /TAS vs Me

I spent a fair amount of time listening to the new reference speakers from Gallo a few months ago and dismissed them as closed in-particularly in the mids- and opaque in the soundstage and generally disapointing. Now TAS puts out a review which goes against everything I heard. Am I losing my hearing or are TAS and I listening to two different speakers? FYI the dealer used Musical Fidelity electronics with the Gallos and I listen with Maggie 3.5s and BAT electronics.
Amp is supposed be ready to be produced now, per Gallo. The Reference center is not nearly as far along.
I heard these today at my dealer and could not beleive my ears. Simply Musical the speakers dissapeared. Equipment used is VAC 30/30, Lamm L2 I beleive it retailed fo 4750.00, BAT phono stage, and turntable was 7,000.00 forgot which one. Mine are on order, can't wait to break them in.

How did you like them with the VAC 30/30? Was 32 watts enough to drive them effectively? If so, I'd bet that was a fantastic combination.

There's a new review at 6moons with the SA amp:
Well, we can read reviews all we want, but if things don't sound right to our ears, they simply don't. Should we second guess ourselves based on reading different good reviews from others with different preferences? Do we have to conform? Guess that's the fun part of this hobby.