Genesis 300 transducers

I recently bought a pair of Genesis 300's. After setting them up in my room and making a bunch of measurements I noticed about a 10dB difference between the right and left speaker around 10kHz. At first I assumed that the tweeters had something funny going on, but after more study I noticed a difference in the planar transducer attachments.

One speaker has a red and black wire coming out of the transducer with two wire connectors connecting it to the wires coming off the cross over. The transducer also has a Bohlender and Graebner sticker on it.

On the other speaker (with lower output) there are no stickers and the wires coming off the transducer are gray and white. These wires are soldered to the wires coming off the crossover with heat shrink on them.

If there are any Genesis 300 owners, or 350's for that matter, out there. Could you tell me which is the original transducer? Also, does anyone have any suggestions on how to balance the sound of these two beasts without buying 2 new RD-48's from parts express?

Showing 5 responses by ngjockey

That's easy, the 300's had Carver ribbons, not BG, so neither are origional. I've replaced both RD48's on my 350's and the ones I bought it with were grey/white. Some confusion on whether they were origional or not. The 350's first came with Carver's but 350SE's used BG RD48's along with the full array of tweeters.

Fact is, 10 KHz is way above the crossover for those. Not even all the tweeters go all the way up, only one goes over 8K if they followed the II.5

Good news is that the tweeters are a lot less $ but you have to get them off GAT.

Noticeably different.

The crossover upgrade is no longer available.
They can have amazingly focused imaging if well setup. Should be well out into the room and no "soft" traps directly behind. As large line sources, they can make things seem larger than life but, opposite to logic, they can appear smaller the closer you sit, within reason. Personally, I prefer no toe-in to give a deeper stage.

I'm still thinking one of the tweeters got polarity reversed. Compare the wiring from one side to the other. You can remove the rear tweeter chamber and the panel behind the tweeters. PITA to stuff in all back in though.

I think the different colors just indicate that the ribbons were changed at different times.
RR = Right Rear?

Caution, those are dipole not bipole. Since the crossover board has specific terminals for the rear tweeter, it should be easy to tell which is which.