Golden age of vinyl recordings?

I know that for a period of time recording studios used analog equipment to make records. Eventually this switched to solid state. What period of time were the best vinyl recordings made? It doesn't matter what genre of music. I just want to know what to look for. I currently listen to classic rock and blues but am open to expanding my horizons (i.e. classical or jazz). Thanks.
The present period properly referred to as the "high nostalgic" period. This period is noted by people scrounging for every piece of old vinyl extant or else paying $50.00 a piece for records that are often enough poorly pressed. Good vinyl may be great, but it is also hard to find.
50's and early 60's. After 68 the multi tracks, 16 tracks and high compression started. All killed realism and color and tone. Producer's became as important as the artists, so you started hearing a "sound" Early 50's mono killed any mono Beatles or any British recordings, that how far ahead we were in making high sound quality recordings and the masters who made them sound as real as possible.  That was the golden era and never will be bettered. 
Yeah. Never I don't know, but the way it has been going since those times probably not in the foreseeable future. Besides, tube equipment and tape decks are most likely to be extinct soon enough. Attitude is not as it used to be, things must radically change for real accomplishments. 
Tube equipment certainly isn’t going to be extinct any time soon...sales of tube guitar amps far outnumber tube home audio stuff...maybe 100 to 1 (possibly much more), and tape decks are having a revival including cassettes, although those might be a fad. Updated and newly designed reel to reel decks are basically state of the art for playback these days. Regarding post ’68 vinyl, I have a lot of amazing stuff from the 60s to current production that sounds astonishingly good, and to think otherwise is weirdly narrow and ignores the astonishing revival of great vinyl, thousands of great recordings, and the brilliant engineers and mastering pros who make it happen.